Andover Events Christmas FamilyLife

Andover churches festive Christmas celebrations

In the run-up to Christmas, churches have one of their busiest times of year, with carol concerts, nativities, advent and Christmas Day itself. It’s one of the Christmas traditions that many families enjoy at this time of year.

Here we have put together a list of local church Christmas celebrations taking place in Andover. 

Andover Baptist Church

They invite us to join them any of our events over the month of December, whether online or onsite. You can find out a little more and book your seats via this page on their website:

St Marys Church, Andover

This Christmas they are going back to basics, you can expect joy, warmth, mulled wine, carols, Christingles and festive jumpers. They are also online at some of the services, so if you can’t make it in the building  you can join in online.Bookings are required for our Christingles (4 & 6pm) Visit their website here for further details.

Knights Enham Parish– the churches of St Michael’s & All Angels, Knights Enham, St Paul’s Church & Community Centre, Smannell Road & Messy Morse, Endeavour School, King Site.

Please visit their Facebook page, here, or give them a call on 07719 994538 as details will be given before each service about any Covid safety measures that will be required. 

Koinonia Church 

Koinonia means ‘Fellowship’ in Greek. Services are held at the Kirk Campus, Endeavour School, Andover. 

They will be open in time for Christmas and would love to see you over the Christmas period.
Their Carols by Candlelight service on Wednesday 22nd is set to be particularly festive to get you in the Christmas mood.
All are welcome at our services, no prebooking is needed but face coverings are required unless you are medically exempt.

Visit the events section here for any last minute adds of local Christmas services and events in Andover.

More local church services will be added here when they have been confirmed. Please email me if you know of details that we have missed to