Andover Events Local News

Music festival returns to Andover High Street

Andover Afest 2016
Andover A-fest returns for 2017

Andover’s young people will be rocking the High Street again this year as A-Fest 2017 comes to the town centre this St George’s Day.

With a patriotic feel, on Sunday April 23rd up to 10 local bands will be showcasing their talents all afternoon. The event will be fundraising for local charities, Abel Foundation and Andover Mencap.

Andover and District Mencap is a locally run learning disabilities charity.

The Abel Foundation was set-up only two years ago to aid sufferers and carers of people with Mitochondrial Disease. Symptoms of the progressive and debilitating disease include poor growth, muscle pain and organ failure. There is currently no cure. The charity was launched by Rock House owner Tony Noakes whose 3 year old son Abel was diagosed with the disease at birth.

Organiser Nick Violet from Andover College says, “We’ve already had a superb reaction from local musical talent, it’s great to see so many people wanting to support these two great local charities.

“Andover has a wealth and variety of talent and we welcome as many auditionees as practically possible”.

Bands and performers who want to take part in the growing annual event should attend auditions at The Rock House 7pm on 9th, 16th and 23rd March. Auditions are open to the public and entry is free.

For the latest information on the event and to book an audition place, please visit the A-Fest Facebook page:

About the author

David Harber

David Harber is the founder and Managing Director of Love Andover, including the Love Andover Observer newspaper and 95.9FM Andover Radio. He is a fellow at the Royal Society of Arts and a card carrying member of the Nation Union of Journalists.