
Revised Local Plan To Go Before TVBC Cabinet

The TVBC Cabinet will meet next Wednesday (18th December) to consider updates and 1,700 responses from the public to the Revised Local Plan and if approved, the plan will go before full council in January. [Read more...]

The TVBC Cabinet will meet next Wednesday (18th December) to consider updates and 1,700 responses from the public to the Revised Local Plan and if approved, the plan will go before full council in January.

If the plan is agreed by both cabinet and full council, it will then go for a six week period of public consultation starting late January.

The Cabinet meeting will be held at Crosfield Hall in Romsey from 5.30pm to 9.00pm and details can be found on the TVBC website.


TVBC Beech Hurst in Andover

TVBC Press Release

Cabinet Considers Revised Local Plan

The Council’s Cabinet meeting on 18 December will consider the draft Revised Local Plan for Test Valley (2011-2029), and if approved, the plan will go before a meeting of the full Council on 8 January.  If agreed at both meetings, a final round of public consultation will start in late January for a period of six weeks. It is proposed that the final document would be submitted to the Secretary of State later in 2014, followed by an examination in public held by the Planning Inspectorate.

The Revised Local Plan has been amended to take account of updated evidence, 1,700 responses to the public consultation held in March and recent Government guidance.

The Revised Local Plan proposes the building of 588 homes per year in Test Valley for the 18 year plan period, of which 200 homes would be affordable. The proposed site allocations in the plan are in addition to the homes already built or with planning permission granted between 2011 and 2013.

The allocations in southern Test Valley are: Whitenap, Romsey, 1,300 dwellings; Hoe Lane, North Baddesley, 300 dwellings and land at Stoneham, 50 dwellings. The overall figure for southern Test Valley remains largely unchanged from the previous draft plan.

In northern Test Valley, 400 additional dwellings are proposed for Picket Piece.  As a result of an increase in housing requirement for northern Test Valley since the previous draft plan, a further allocation of 300 dwellings is also proposed east of Picket Twenty. This equates to an extra 32 houses per year for the life of the plan. This additional housing is necessary to meet the employment needs of local businesses to support growth in the town. These housing figures achieve sustainable development, while recognising the future housing needs of the borough and meeting the Government’s drive for growth.

The plan also includes provision for employment development at Nursling, Romsey, Chilworth and Andover.  The Council continues to protect the environment of the borough through the designation of local gaps and residential areas of special character.

Councillor Martin Hatley, Planning and Transport Portfolio Holder, said: “I will be pleased to present the Revised Local Plan to Cabinet.  The plan is an essential tool to meet the borough’s housing need, support the local economy and deliver affordable housing. There are many local families on our waiting lists that need affordable housing. Some 40 per cent of the proposed new housing will be affordable. Improving access to a decent home is a key concern of residents.

The plan also recognises the need to create employment opportunities in Andover, Romsey, Nursling and Chilworth to provide more flexibility to our town centres to retain their vitality and viability. In developing the local plan we also strive to enhance and preserve the natural and built environment. To do so we plan to retain local gaps between settlements.

I am confident that the proposed local plan will support economic growth, meet the demographic needs of the borough and deliver the appropriate level of new homes. Once approved, the plan will strengthen the Council’s position to defend itself from speculative planning applications and provide the foundation on which all planning decisions in the borough are taken.

To build on the work undertaken as part of the Andover Summit, the draft local plan proposes a revision to Andover’s town centre boundary. This will provide more opportunities for growth. Proposals for a retail, employment and residential development are retained for George Yard and Black Swan Yard.
