Local News News

Millway House resident, born when “Happy Birthday” lyrics first appeared in print, celebrates her 100th in time for Mother’s Day

A resident at Millway House in Andover, who was born in the same month that the “Happy Birthday to You” lyrics first appeared in print, has been celebrating her 100th birthday just in time for Mother’s Day. 

Mum, grandma, great-grandmother, and great-great grandmother, Margaret Oldfield, marked her centennial birthday on Saturday 10th March at the nurse-led care home, along with several members of her family. She then enjoyed a second celebration on Sunday, when staff marked this year’s Mother’s Day with the handing over of some very special handmade gifts. 

Margaret was born in March 1924, the same month that the “Happy Birthday to You” song lyrics first appeared in print. A century on and the Millway House resident listened to a special rendition of the famous melody when it was sung to her by everyone at the Andover care home. 

The centurion’s birthday came just a day before Millway House handed over handmade letters to each of its resident mums, some of which were decorated by others living at the residential care home. 

Claire Lousteau, Home Manager at Millway House, said it was a fantastic weekend. She said: “To be able to mark Margaret’s 100th birthday and Mother’s Day in the same weekend has been wonderful. We’ve all had a great time and it’s been fantastic to see so many families and friends visiting.” 

Millway House is part of AgeCare and Operations Manager Sara Gallagher is delighted to hear about the special celebrations. 

She said: “At Millway House, we are a nurse-led care home, so our approach focuses on providing a home from home for our residents while we meet their healthcare needs. It’s always wonderful to hear how much fun they are having.” 

Margaret was born in Belgium and was one of three girls. She moved to London in 1947 with her husband. Together they travelled to many places, including Spain, Malta, and Cyprus. She has two daughters, five grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, and five great-great-grandchildren. 

Situated on the outskirts of Weyhill near Andover, Millway House offers excellent accommodation for nursing, dementia and end of life care. 

For more information, visit https://agecare.uk.com/care-homes/millway-house/