Andover Young People Education News FamilyLife Mental Health week

The Well being Ambassador club for our children in Andover

The Well-being Ambassadors Club is a new springboard project funded by Hampshire county council, run by Andover Mind for Andover Primary schools which is  promoting childrens emotional resilience.

As part of this service local schools and organisations are offered

  • Access to advice and signposting for childrens emotional /mental health problems
  • Children’s emotional resilience training groups
  • Parental Well-being workshops

Goverment now recognises the importance of promoting mental health, and in the prevention and early identification of mental health issues. Approximately 1 in 6 children suffer with anxiety severe enough to interfere with their family life, school work and social functioning. Research shows untreated children who suffer with anxiety are likely to become anxious teenagers and adults, and that anxiety in childhood tends to precede depression in adolescence.

Early interaction groups such as the well being ambassadors club acts to prevent anxiety and the associated suffering of individuals and their families by increasing emotional resilience and promtiong coping skills before serious difficulties may occur.

The Childrens emotional resilience group provides 9 sessions at lunchtime or after school for children aged 9 to 11 years old. Sessions support children in better ways of thinking, self regulation, confidence building and mindfulness activities.

If you’d like to find out more about this project, talk to your child’s school or call Andover Mind on 01264 332297