The leader of Test Valley Borough Council with major players in the redevelopment of Andover’s town centre will answer your questions on Andover Radio next month.
Cllr Phil North along with the council’s redevelopment project lead Paul Jackson and Lora White from NEW Masterplanning will be talking to Ben Morris on The Word at 8:00pm on Monday 16th March.
Rejuvenation efforts have already begun. The Chantry Centre was purchased by the council last year and plans are already being released about the much maligned shopping centre’s renovation. Work has already begun on the Town Mill area.
Retailers in high streets across the UK are suffering the same difficulties, but Andover is ahead of the game in ‘getting ready for the future’ and not in as bad a position as some UK high streets. Our recent survey showed that there are 130 operational locally owned businesses in our immediate high street area.
The local council has been asking for views on what should happen in the town centre, with help from Wayne Hemingway’s town planning company Hemingway Design.
If you have questions to pose to Cllr North to be answered on Andover Radio’s special edition of The Word, please email us here.