Charity Community coronavirus Local News

Think Charity: Andover Mobility Aids Service

The British Red Cross Mobility Aids and Home from Hospital teams support people with needs related to physical immobility, after an operation or a hospital discharge.

Andover Mobility Aids Service (MAS) based at St Ann’s Hall, Andover would normally be open 4 mornings a week, providing wheelchairs, toileting equipment, patient transport, practical and emotional support to people in the local community.

Jacqui Blake from MAS told Andover Radio 95.9fm “We are normally supported by 4 regular volunteers to run the service but since the Covid-19 lockdown our 4 regular volunteers have either been in isolation or volunteering in the community on other projects.

However, we have still been running we have still been able to continue to provide this valuable service to the community when a selfless volunteer from another spoke (office) agreed to travel 3 mornings a week to Andover to ensure our local community had access to the support they need and deserve.”

Mobility aids support people to recover from illness and injury, improving choice, independence and wellbeing, and that helps take the strain off NHS professionals. Benefits can include reducing pressure on services, speeding up recovery time and enabling people to return home sooner“.

People who need a mobility aid in the short term can order one online and collect from St Anne’s Hall ,Suffolk Road, Andover SP10 2JD

Map of St Ann's Hall

“We can also provide a free home delivery service for those un able get to the office.

“We are currently open Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 – 12:00.

“Or reserve items on line

“There is no  charge for the loans in Hampshire but welcome donations to enable us to maintain the equipment and provide our service.

“British Red Cross wheelchairs are cleaned and disinfected and all Red Cross centres comply with social distancing and hygiene requirements.”

To find out more about their mobility aids service for clinicians, local authorities and emergency responders call 0300 456 1914.

For more information about mobility aids loans in the community visit the British Red Cross or CLICK HERE