Andover Jobs Andover Young People Community

Young Persons Opportunity


From Dmitrijs Meiksans MYP

We are looking for a young person, based in the UK, aged 13-18, to apply to become our Project Co-ordinator, to run our Local Conference of Youth in October.

DMK Potential has been invited by YOUNGO (the official youth constituency to the UNFCCC (UN Climate Change Convention) to host the UK’s Local Conference of Youth in 2021. The LCOY will take place prior to the global COY, which itself takes place prior to COP26 and is an opportunity for young people in the UK to come together, share ideas, learn from each other and unite for climate action ahead of COP26.

DMK Potential is looking for a dedicated Project Coordinator to coordinate this project. This is a voluntary role however subject to funding DMK Potential hopes to be able to offer the successful candidate a consultancy payment by which they will be paid £9.50 per hour (the Real Living Wage) up to 5 hours per week, for the duration of the role. This is not a salary and there will be no employment relationship but instead a stipend/reimbursement for your time spent on the project.

Visit our link in bio or to apply.