
Breakers Community Project NEEDS YOU

Breakers Community Project have a request that will only take you a few minutes and cost nothing. PLEASE could you write a sentence in the recommended section of the page about what you think this will bring to the local community and if you think you will use it. [Read more...]

Breakers Community Project have a request that will only take you a few minutes and cost nothing. PLEASE could you write a sentence in the recommended section of the page about what you think this will bring to the local community and if you think you will use it.


Please ensure you add to the RECOMMENDATIONS box on the right, not the comments.

We just need a little more information and evidence for the grant and with 2,300+ likes we figure we should be able to get quite a few comments and proof that this IS wanted by a huge amount of people and it will be used.

Just need to keep showing that this is wanted and needed.

From Breakers Andover, “THANK YOU SO MUCH” – the end is nearly in sight!!!

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