Christmas FamilyLife Local News

Fantastic Christmas lights at Picket Twenty

Phil Bowman - Picket Twenty - SOBS

I love checking out the all the Christmas light displays on houses all over Andover, throughout December.

Picket Twenty Christmas Lights

This is the 5th year that Phil Bowman has decorated his house to raisie money for charity.

I had a chance to chat with him about this in the Andover Radio Studios, listen out for him sharing news and information on his display on Andover Radio, 95.9FM. He himself suffers from bouts of illness so wanted to give Paul Denney a special shout out thanks to this year for helping him put together this years Christmas light display.

These lights are put up to raise awareness and monies for Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS).

SOBS are a self help organisation who offer monthly meetings where people bereaved by suicide can share their experiences and give much needed support to each other in a safe environment. The meetings are run by trained volunteers who have been bereaved by suicide themselves. SOBS is a charity and relies entirely on donations.

Phil does this in memory of their much loved and missed son who they lost on 1st February. Donations can be made through the just giving page Picket twenty Christmas lights or a donation bucket on the tree.

Lights will be going on the 1st of December at 5pm .

If you have a fab display in Andover, or know of one email us a photo and details of where to find them and we will add details. You can email me at