Jay Millers Circus, celebrating 250 years of Circus entertainment, returns by popular demand with an all new production for 2018. Its the show that all members of the family will enjoy. Along with our very popular zany man of mirth & humour, Clown PEPPI, an International cast of Circus artistes from around the world await you to perform for your entertainment, many of which have never before been seen in the UK. Don’t miss a spectacular laser show, the Girl in the Globe, daring aerial artistry, the illusion of quick change & much more in this 2 hour Spectacular.
Advance booking is advised to avoid any disappointment, however seats are usually available on the day, but please be early.
Bring your friends & enjoy traditional Circus entertainment .
Prices start from just £7, you can’t afford to miss out. Simply call the Box Office today on 07976 655180 & collect your tickets on arrival or buy tickets on site during days of Circus visit.
Massive free car park.
Wed 9 May 2018 to Sun 20 May 2018
Saturdays & Sunday 13th 2pm & 5pm Sunday 20th 2pm only
Sorry No shows Monday
ANDOVER Finkley Down Farm Hampshire SP11 6NF