Written by Ellis Kerr
For a long time, the health and social care sector has been the unsung hero of our community, but we know how important our hidden heroes are and we want to celebrate them.
In June 2020, we started collating the praise we received from clients, colleagues, and organisations we come into contact with every day and sharing them every Friday afternoon as part of our ‘Feel Good Friday’. In the past 12 months we have received over 900 compliments, and they show no signs of stopping anytime soon!
Ben Patrick, Chief Operating Officer, said, “We created Feel Good Friday a year ago to boost morale following the lack of social care mentions in the media. The impact it has had has been incredible. Our staff, as well as many others across the country, have sometimes felt their efforts during the pandemic go unrecognised. Carers in the community and care homes know all their clients on such a personal level and some of our heroes have lost close friends and clients. Words cannot describe what you all achieved in the past year. I’m so proud to be part of such a great team.”
Home Care Assistants have served as a lifeline to the communities most vulnerable throughout the pandemic. In a time when many faced isolation, the care and companionship from our carers ensured our clients never felt alone. They supported socially distanced visits, set up FaceTime calls to loved ones and provided a warming smile and cup of tea.
Apex Prime Care is a leading domiciliary care provider with 20 years’ experience, operating across the South coast. Built on sound principles, the family run business knows the importance of caring for their loved ones and has designed a comprehensive list of services to meet the needs of its service us.