After research showed rents are too expensive in the Chantry Centre, a campaign has been organised on to petition AXA Real Estate Management in order to try and reduce the rents in the Andover Chantry Centre.
The petition states:
Andover as a town is struggling and losing shops one after another due to the high rents and rates. This is leading to less footfall and less shops coming in.
Even with over 10 empty stores they are not willing to allow pop up shops and are still increasing rents. Andover Chantry Centre is more expensive than the new shopping centre in Newbury…does that make sense?
Whether they want to price everyone out to close it and knock it down (you would get alot of flats there) or just don’t care IT’S OUR TOWN – STOP ANDOVER DYING ANY MORE
Click the link below to go to the petition: