Tag - alienpoet

Poet's Corner

The Escapist

Sometimes my escaping leads to me scrapping myself off the floor. Substance abuse let loose has become my demon from which I have no freedom. Lost in chaos I...

Poet's Corner

I am living poet

I am a living poet I have not yet expired I want to be hired to perform I am living poet I was born not too long ago I just thought you should know I am not...

Poet's Corner


We are free to be free to make our own destiny to shine like the sun to become one to hide under the moon under in the gloom to run with the deer to make worry...

Poet's Corner

First world problems

My tea is lukewarm my tone of voice forlorn I would have a girl friend but I have sworn I will be free and I am too childish to bear any responsibility. My TV...

Poet's Corner


I begin where you end I end where you begin Mitosis of hearts joined from the start God is a rainbow and the white light we are him and her every shade...