I am a living poet
I have not yet expired
I want to be hired to perform
I am living poet
I was born not too long ago
I just thought you should know
I am not part of the dead poets network or society
I won’t go down or die quietly
Yes I am available for book signings
and general book publishing
Please people of the world see my talent
My verse is worth a pound or two
I feel a publisher is due
at my doorstep
I have written many poems
not just a few
and death has granted me a decade or two
to live and perform
I am living poet please feed me I am starving
I can’t survive on stardust and air
Please show me you care
I sit in my underwear
writing poems to people who usually give me blank stares
But when they hear me perform their ears and eyes perk up
My poetry needs to go through tills and shopping carts
Yes it is art
Please buy it rather than just staring at the front cover.
By Daniel Hooks
AKA Alienpoet on Facebook