St George was supposed to defeat the Dragon
not be binge drinking and then hitting the wagon
what is English anyway?
chivalry dead ,sexism still in men’s heads
multi- culturalism the melting pot has made us forget
our values? that would be a blank no!
as the papers hit us with low blows
about the poor and immigration
sensationalism lives within this nation
our food, our grub
Here’s the rub, is all taken from other nations
Curry, Chinese, Keebabs a plenty
we have all them residentially
the English roast one of the only dishes we have to offer
we as the English have always taken from other societies
made it our own property
what we stand for depends on how we treat people properly
The ones who have only a small say
To live life as a modern day Englishman
Is to accept that this is changing nation
and to go forth and be moral
not to rest on our laurels.
to look to our own culture but not to be narrow minded
or to be blinded by differences between cultures.