Andover NCT is delighted to be supporting and promoting World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) as part of the worldwide initiative to help families in their breastfeeding journey.
Being organized by WABA, WHO and UNICEF, WBW came up with the goal to promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life which yields tremendous health benefits, providing critical nutrients, protection from deadly diseases such as pneumonia and fostering growth and development.
In spite of the fact that HCC no longer funds Breastfeeding support, and with no external other funding, Andover continues to offer help during pregnancy, for newborns and young babies. This is made possible due to a dedicated group of volunteers who raise funds and awareness, and give their time to make sure that families get the very best start in life.
Personally, I had amazing support from the local Breastfeeding groups, both with feeding my children, and from being around other families with newborns. It is why I am delighted to have helped re-launch an Andover NC,and become the branch chair, to make sure that other families get that assistance and network of support.Katherine Bird
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