Adam is one of 4 and has a twin sister, younger brother and younger sister. His twin and him born on the same day, his younger brother and sister also born on the same day – but 2 years apart!
Adam moved to Andover in 1994, going to Clatford school, John Hanson (was the last deputy head boy of the old school, before it got knocked down!) then went onto Cricklade.
He never knew what he wanted to do growing up and so went into Car Valet and cleaning, in an attempt to get in to Spray painting, this didn’t quite work out and put a strain on his finances, so he went into the bank to sort everything out. When he was in there, little did he know he was actually talking to the bank manager and she offered him an interview there and then.
After 12 years in banking and insurance – Adam then created ‘It’s the Money Guy’ and the rest…is history!
Adam discovered a passion for combat and martial arts in his late 20’s and after winning the Jujitsu Nationals 3 times, he was asked to try out for Team GB for Sports Jujitsu and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, he then had a successful campaign in training and became the lead fighter for under 61kg, he has since fought in Geneva and in Australia representing Team GB and won 3 Silver Medals and a bronze!
Born: 1985
Fave Film: All the Bourne films
Fave Song: not sure, when the kids are in the car – Ed Sheeran
Likes: Jujitsu/MMA
Dislikes: Anything to do with football and Love Island