
Andover Band In Darklight Featuring on BBC

Local alternative rock band In Darklight are getting lead track 'Drift' from their latest EP played on BBC Introducing on Saturday 13th April. Listen live or online and get involved. [Read more...]

Local alternative rock band In Darklight are getting lead track ‘Drift’ from their latest EP played on BBC Introducing on Saturday 13th April.

Tune in between 8 – 9pm online or listen to one of the following radio stations to hear the show:

During the show, you are encourged to interact – email, text or tweet – to let them know what you think of the show, In Darklight & the track:


Text in during the show (you need to start texts with the word ‘radio’) on 81333 (normal rates apply)

Twitter: @BBCIntroSouth @indarklight (hashtag #BBCIntroducing #indarklight)

Update: 6.30pm

To listen online click here or after the show click here to listen again.

In Darklight on the BBC