This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and there will be a civic procession at 9:50am on Sunday, 10th November from Andover Guildhall to St Mary’s Church.
The procession will arrive at St Mary’s Church at 10:00am when the Remembrance Commemoration service will commence.
Those taking part in the procession include:
- Chief Officer of Police
- Fire Service Station Officer
- Chairman of Andover Town Council
- Members of the Hampshire County Council
- Officers of H.M. Forces not representing Freemen
- Representative of the Royal Hampshire Regiment Comrades Association
- President, Andover Branch of the Royal British Legion
- Members of the Borough Council
- Honorary Aldermen and past mayors of Test Valley
- Representatives of Army Headquarters
- The Corps of Royal Engineers
- The 22 Engineer Regiment
- The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment (Queen’s and Royal Hampshire’s)
- The Army Aviation Centre
- Member of Parliament for North West Hampshire
- Chief Executive
- Mayor’s Chaplain
- Macebearers
- The Worshipful the Mayor of Test Valley / Deputy Lieutenant of Hampshire
The service will be followed by the wreath laying in the Garden of Remembrance at 10:45am.
The civic procession will exit the garden via the Norman Arch and proceed to East Street to the saluting dais where the Mayor of Test Valley will take the salute, accompanied by the President of the Andover Branch of the Royal British Legion and Deputy Lieutenant.
After the salute has been taken, the procession will return to the Guildhall.
Thank you to TVBC and Anji Gillies for the information
Remembrance Sunday Troop Procession in Andover
The troops will still set off from Bridge Street at 10.15am, marching via Winchester Street and Eastern Avenue, before arriving at the Garden of Remembrance (where they will joined by the civic party) at 10.45 am.
After the laying of the wreath, the troops will march back to Bridge Street, with the salute taking place in Eastern Avenue by the bus lay-by.
Road Closures for Remembrance Sunday in Andover
Roads closed between 10:00am and 12:00pm on Sunday 10th November
- Bridge St, Winchester St (between Bridge St & South St)
- South St (between Winchester St & Eastern Ave)
- Eastern Ave, East St (between Eastern Ave & Newbury St)
- Newbury Road (between Eastern Avenue & Church Close)
- Church Close
(Info from Romanse website via Mr Paul Jones)