Art Studio’s ‘Andover Space Programme’ is partnering with A-Fest to Live-Stream their Balloon Launch. Andover Space Programme is an idea devised by Tom...
Tag - Andover Space Programme
Yesterday’s launch of Andover Space Programme’s craft had to be delayed because of the weather, but plans are being made for a launch next year...
All over Andover I hope to see a future full of trees. Little trees, big trees, backyard trees, Poet trees, skinny and full fat trees, All over Andover. So...
We all need some space, To be ourselves and follow, The path that we should take, To become valued members of the human race. We all need some space, To relax...
The future, brought to you with hope, life on other planets. it’s intelligence amassed we desire to talk about life’s meaning let the dreaming of the universe...
Hello I’m an alien spaceman I’ve landed on earth’s ground Whilst I’m here I’m thinking to myself I’ll have a quick look round There are lots of strange looking...
The space craft due to be sent into the atmosphere this Sunday (December 1st 2019) was officially named at Saturday’s day of workshops across the town...
Mission to launch a spacecraft into the stratosphere from Andover is given clearance. This Saturday (November 23rd 2019), Chapel Arts Studios (CAS) with help...
There are a series of workshops this Saturday as part of the Andover Space Programme. Working with Andover Young Carers and the Picket Twenty Fillies this...