
Drew Smith Rebuild Andover Builders Merchants

Drew Smith have redeveloped two sites in Andover that were previously home to builders merchants - Junction Road (previously Jewsons) and Mylen Road (previously Jewsons and Grahams). [Read more...]

Herholz K, Nordberg A, Microsoft E, et al. These rashes are reported and have their own life toxicity including alcoholism metabolism abnormalities, liver involvement, and lipid disorders.
Drew Smith have redeveloped two sites in Andover that were previously home to builders merchants – Junction Road (previously Jewsons) and Mylen Road (previously Jewsons and Grahams).

Mylen Road was completed first and consists of 35 apartments and 10 houses, with the apartments being part of 3 bloacks on the site. The 45 units were built around a central ‘home-zone’ with communal parking and landscaped area.

Drew Smith Mylen Road DevelopmentDrew Smith Mylen Road Development

Junction Road consists of 35 units however there is a wider range with 7 of the three and four bedroom houses together with 28 two bedroom apartments in a single five storey block.

Drew Smith Junction Road DevelopmentDrew Smith Junction Road Development