All aboard the rattle and bone shaker bus
the number 76
Leaving at 10 past 6
It takes us past the sunny-haven the green
where we had Christmas’s past
at our Grandma and Grandad’s house
where my Dad was raised with his sister my Aunt.
Life is what you make it my Grandad still says
and he’s right but still I pray
wish blessings and blessings on friends today.
It takes us past the bend and the cemetery in Whitchurch
where my great Grandad was buried.
He lived to 100 and got his letter from the Queen.
He knew her from the Sandringham estate he told us
as a young girl not very old.
Down dale and over hill
the weather is wet and windy and many puddles we spill.
from Basingstoke to Andover it takes me
with various speeds
this stage coach is my steed
filled with fuel in its metallic frame
it rattles and hums over country lanes.